Alumna’s Gift Extends Legacy to Support Future Slugs
Linda Peterson aims to share the positive experience she had as one of UCSC's pioneer alumni.

Linda Peterson’s (Stevenson ‘70, history) distinguished corporate law career took her to many locales around the country, but her passion for UC Santa Cruz has kept her close to campus and eternally tied to the university.
Among the university’s first graduates, Peterson was a trailblazer, forging a path for women in law in the 70s and 80s. Her willingness to push boundaries and ask thought-provoking questions–skills she honed at UCSC–helped catapult her success in a male-dominated profession.
While Peterson was making transformative change within her industry, she was also providing financial support and leadership expertise to her alma mater. She has served in a variety of roles including more than two decades as a Foundation Board Trustee. These experiences informed a strong commitment to philanthropy as well as an appreciation for the critical role of planned giving in strengthening the fabric of the university.
“Planned gifts enable the university to feel confident that financial support will be there in future years for programs, scholarships, research and other things that are not covered entirely by tuition or state funding,” said Peterson.
With no family members for whom she would need to provide, Peterson is extending her legacy of giving by establishing a planned gift to support two areas of the university which were instrumental in her personal and professional development–the History Department and Stevenson College.
“My undergraduate education was very important in shaping the person I am today and for preparing me academically for law school and my working life,” Peterson said. “I want my gift to help others have a similar positive experience.”
She believes wholeheartedly in the college system, particularly the core course, which she feels is integral to the Banana Slug experience.
“The colleges provide community in the midst of a large institution,” she said. “The core course establishes cohesion. It lets students approach a shared curriculum with faculty and students from different academic disciplines and learn to appreciate the value different perspectives bring to any issue.”
Nathanial Deutsch, faculty director of The Humanities Institute, describes Peterson’s legacy and the lasting impact of her gifts.
“Linda is one of the heroes of this campus,” said Deutsch. “She has retained a deep and abiding interest in the Humanities since she was a student in the program, and her commitment to the university hasn’t waned. She is a determined, humble and a lovely person in a human sense, who was a pioneer in her career against some big odds. She is a great example for current students and for all of us.”
The influence of Peterson’s voluminous and unwavering support has permeated the UCSC campus for nearly a half century. Her planned gift ensures that future generations of history majors and Banana Slugs affiliated with Stevenson will have an extraordinary academic experience that will prepare them to blaze their own trail on campus and in the world.
Learn more about naming UC Santa Cruz as a life insurance beneficiary at the UC Santa Cruz Planned Gifts site.