Scholarships and Fellowships
Undergraduate scholarships

Scholarships ensure that high-achieving students who have earned a place at UC Santa Cruz can attend regardless of financial means.
Scholarships are a powerful vote of confidence in the future. They are key to attracting top students, and to ensuring that those who have earned a place at UC Santa Cruz can attend regardless of financial means. The need is great: More than 40% of our accepted students come from households whose annual income is below $40,000. All levels of donor support are welcome. Contact Priya Mehta, associate vice chancellor of development, or (646)287-1534.
Featured scholarships
- The Undergraduate Scholarship Fund: Awarded based on need and merit, with funds available to students immediately.
- UC Regents Scholarships: Yearly stipends of $5,000 awarded to 50 outstanding students.
- Campus Merit Scholarships: Awarded to students who have demonstrated financial need and excelled academically.
- UCSC Alumni Scholarship Fund: Given on a need basis.
- Karl S. Pister Leadership Opportunity Award for transfer students: Presidents of 13 local community colleges nominate candidates for this scholarship. Awardees receive $10,000 annually for two years.
Graduate fellowships

Fellowships give graduate students the opportunity to pursue academic interests and partner with faculty who lead their fields in research excellence. Graduate students are essential to research teams in every field and carry that experience far into the future. Currently, fewer than half of our graduate students receive fellowships. To compete with other universities in attracting the highest-caliber students and continue our excellence in research, we must expand that pool of support.
Opportunities include
- Chancellor’s Fellowship Fund: Pays all university fees for incoming doctoral students in any discipline.
- Eugene Cota-Robles Fellowship Fund: Granted to first-year graduate students who have overcome significant social or educational obstacles to achieve a college education.
- Divisional and Department Funds: Fellowships given by the Dean’s Offices in each of our academic divisions.